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Elevate Your Photography with Expert Critique and Guidance



with Felicia Schütte, ICON Awards Master & Portrait Master Fellow + Grand Champion

Are you a photographer feeling stuck, eager to take your work to the next level or achieve accreditation in prestigious competitions? Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced photographer, having a second set of experienced eyes to review your images can be transformative. Often, it’s the smallest details that distinguish a good photo from an award-winning one.

I offer personalized image and portfolio critiques that focus on mostly maternity, motherhood and fine art studio portraits to help you refine your work and make informed decisions about which images to submit for competitions.

We all know how easy it is to become too close to our own creations—over-retouching, missing crucial details, or losing perspective. That’s where I come in.

My critiques are provided via Zoom recordings, sent to you via WeTransfer, and personal Zoom sessions can also be arranged.

I understand how vulnerable it feels to request feedback, which is why I always deliver my critique with respect, honesty, and the intent to support your growth, learning, and artistic journey.

With my experience as an all-over grand champion at The Portrait Masters and highest accreditation as Fellow in 2021, uncountable placements in the top 20 Gallery with 6 gold , 64 silver, 90 bronze distinction awards and as an ICON Master in 2024, I’ve been continuously submitting my own work since 2017 to international awards, including The Portrait Masters, Rise International Photography Awards, and Asia Pacific Photography Awards. My work has been published in renowned outlets like Behind the Shutter, Rangefinder and Portrait System Magazine, and I’ve been featured on the Portrait System blog, podcast and Studio Tours as well as one of the top students of Richard Wood.

I’m here to share what I’ve learned along the way and help you unlock new levels in your own photography journey. Together, we can elevate your work and set you on the path to success in the world of international photography.

Ready to reach your full potential?

Book your critique today and let's take the first step toward refining your vision and growing your portfolio.

1:1 Workshops that are individually tailored to you are on request.




​​On average a 2-5 min. zoom recording per individual in detail critiqued image will be send to you with wetransfer.


 1 image $20,- 

 5 images $80,-

10 images $120,-


all prices excl. 10% Tax/ transfer cost




On average a 5-10 min. zoom recording will be send to you with wetransfer.

Folio critique focusses on a body of work in regards to consistency and allover quality.

24 image folio $80,-




all prices excl. 10% Tax/ transfer cost

Online meeting



Critique of either your folio, single images, website, print products, sales PDF or social media appearance during a 40 min Zoom appointment.

per 40 min ZOOM 150,-


all prices excl. 10% Tax/ transfer cost

“As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way.”

-Mary Anne Radmacher

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